Bacon Makes Butter(nut Squash) Better

Despite my parents moving us to Maine when I was a baby (a move that I have yet to get a reasonable explanation for), there are still southern cooking traditions that I follow. One is having a tub of bacon grease in the fridge. Having that tub turned one of my favorite soups from yummy and comforting to mouth watering.

My plan tonight was to keep it simple and cook Terry Foster’s Acorn Squash and Pear Soup from The Pilgrim’s Inn Cookbook – substituting butternut squash since I had one in my fridge.

I had a blonde moment at the market and forgot to buy butter. Since the oven was on it seemed prudent to find a substitute instead of leaving and burning down my apartment. I opened my fridge and voila, there was the bacon grease.

The infusion of smoky flavor brought joy to my tongue. I may die slightly earlier, but I plan on making this substitution much more often.

Diet Etiquette, For When I am on a Diet

I think I understand why vegetarians and vegans don’t want to be anywhere near meat or cheese. They don’t really want to give it up, and the temptation might prove to be too much.

I’m not on a diet, but I am trying to lose weight by changing my eating habits for the long term. This doesn’t mean giving everything good in the world (bacon, cheese, bread, wine, steak) up, but limiting myself and watching portions and calories. Especially when last weekend I allowed myself two and a half cheat days (bachelorette) with no exercise. And since the next few weekends will also be a little more food filled than they should be, I am focused on being a saint during the week.

This means I am not as full as usual and maybe a little crankier than usual. A couple of deep breaths and I am fine(ish). There is something that make me want to shove loved ones into traffic – talking about food. More specifically other people talking about food when I have just said that I am watching what I eat. Talking about yummy dumplings and Thai chicken soup. Talking about a new Greek restaurant that we have to try. Talking about brunch (hello bacon!) when I have specifically said that I am eating salad greens for dinner.

I skipped adding a slice of pizza to my dinner tonight. So I must be getting used to my new eating habits, although I am extremely fucking cranky.

Does this mean I will be more respectful of my vegetarian/vegan friends by not discussing the joys of bacon? Probably not. But I respect their resistance to temptation a little more.